Bachelorette Basics


A bachelorette party is a fantastic way to celebrate the bride-to-be and the relationships, primarily with friends, that have got her to such an important point in her life. Here are seven tips for the organisers, normally the Maid of Honour and Bridesmaids:

1. Make It Personal. Remember that the bride is the star of the show, so tailor the event to what she likes. If she doesn’t want to dress like a fairy or wear a sash, respect that. Find out what would make her bachelorette experience the best night/day/weekend possible. 

2. Don’t Over-organise. It’s easy to schedule too many activities, particularly if the celebration goes longer than a night. Try to keep it simple, but memorable. You might also want to consider the danger level of things such as go-karting or canyoning if that’s in the frame. A bride with a broken ankle isn’t the outcome you’re looking for. 

3. Have A Plan-B. Try to anticipate things going wrong, such as traffic delays or bad weather, by having a flexible schedule and indoor places to go. And if things do go wrong, try to stay chilled and make the most of what you can do, given the hiccups, rather than worry about what might have been.

4. Be Mindful Of The Cost. If you’ve ever been to a bachelorette party or weekend and found yourself having to bring out the wallet every five minutes, you’ll know what we’re talking about. You particularly want to avoid financially embarrassing anyone who’s not particularly flush with cash.

5. Don’t Stress The Invite List. Two simple rules: unless instructed by the bride otherwise, don’t make the awkward mistake of inviting someone who wasn’t invited to the wedding; and remember you don’t have to invite everyone.

6. Include The Fiancee – Sort Of. It can be a fun part of the festivities to include a little about the person you’re about to marry, whether that’s a video from them played at the start of the night or a game where you have to answer questions about them and have a shot for every wrong answer. 

7. Let Go Of Traditional Expectations. There’s no rule saying you need to go out and get plastered and make a fool of yourself with a stripper. You can plan a one-night adventure, an entire weekend getaway, a comedy show in the middle of the afternoon, a girls night over popcorn and 90s flicks, or a totally sober event. Encourage the bride to do what feels best for her, and get creative.

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